About the Company

Business Model


Ensure reliability, availability and advanced development of the energy system of Kazakhstan


Leader in the electric power industry, contributing to the future energy system and the market changes in the context of an energy transition; and to the development of a sustainable electricity system through infrastructure planning and clean energy development


  • Justice and honesty
  • Challenge and development
  • Unity and responsibility
  • Traditions and respect

Our business:

  • Electricity transmission – 58.57 billion kWh
  • Technical dispatch control – 104.26 billion kWh
  • Generation and consumption balancing – 203.12 billion kWh

Our performance:

  • Net profit KZT 26.7 billion
  • Dividends per share – KZT 50.85 for 2021
  • Dividends per share – KZT 65.44 for H1 2022

Our assets:

  • 82 substations with installed capacity of transformers of 39,055.9 MVA
  • OHTL 26,977.215 km
  • 9 MES branches and NDC SO
  • 4,376 employees
  • Modern technologies

Reliability indicators:

  • GA 99.999%
  • AIT 6.60 min
  • Social Stability Rating – 86%


The national power grid, or NPG, is the company’s main asset. At the end of 2022 it consisted of 387 overhead transmission lines (OHTL) with a voltage range of 0.4 to 1150 kV and a total length of 26,977.215 circuit km, as well as 82 electrical substations (SS) with a voltage range of 35 to 1150 kV and a transformer capacity of 39,055.9 MVA. They provide connections between the regional power providers and big users, cross-border power flows, and electricity delivery from the power plants.

Length of KEGOC overhead lines
as of 31.12.2022

Length of KEGOC overhead lines

Capacity and number of KEGOC substations (SS)
as of 31.12.2022

Capacity and number of KEGOC substations (SS)


The Company’s structure includes 9 branches, inter-system electric networks (MES) and National Dispatch Centre of System Operator (NDC SO) also as a branch.

KEGOC is the sole shareholder of its subsidiary EnergoInform.

The mission of EnergoInform JSC is to ensure the reliable functioning and efficient development of the information and telecommunications complex of the UPS of Kazakhstan using global best practices and innovative technologies.

The main activity is the maintenance of KEGOC’s information and telecommunication complex, including: commercial metering system, SCADA, balancing electricity market, integrated management system, PLC, radio relay communication, satellite communication, guaranteed power supply, PBX, FOCL, fire and security alarm system and corporate services.

In addition, KEGOC is a shareholder (20% of shares) of Batys Transit JSC established in 2005 to implement Construction of North Kazakhstan-Aktyubinsk Oblast Interregional Power Transmission Line project.

Geography of

Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company


The operations of KEGOC have a strategic impact on the growth of Kazakhstan’s economy and on a variety of stakeholder interests. This is taken into consideration by the Company when making choices and formulating long-term strategies. We put a priority on serving the needs of society, ensuring that the UPS of Kazakhstan operates effectively, advancing the development of the NPG of Kazakhstan, guaranteeing fair working conditions and the welfare of people, and protecting the environment. And the KEGOC Development Strategy 2022-2031, which was approved by the KEGOC Board of Directors, reflects this.

The status of Kazakhstan’s UPS system operator defines KEGOC’s functions, which include ensuring parallel operation with other countries’ energy systems, maintaining energy system balance, providing system services and purchasing ancillary services from wholesale electricity market entities, and ensuring electricity transmission in Kazakhstan’s NPG, its maintenance, and operational readiness.

The strategy is available on the official website: https://www.kegoc.kz/en/about/strategiya-razvitiya/


The Company’s Development Strategy 2022-2031 defines three strategic objectives:

Goal 1.

Ensuring the reliable functioning of Kazakhstan’s UPS during the energy transition (reliability and development of the NPG), which is ensured by the following tasks:

  1. execution of UPS system operator functions in Kazakhstan;
  2. advanced development of Kazakhstan’s NPG, effective integration of RES at the 15% level; and
  3. introduction of current innovative and digital technologies, Smart Grid.

Goal 2.

Ensure sustainable growth in accordance with the principles of ESG (sustainable development) by:

  1. decreasing the carbon footprint,
  2. growing human capital,
  3. enhancing corporate governance, and
  4. improving professional safety.

Goal 3.

Increase net asset value (financial sustainability) through:

  1. enhancing financial stability,
  2. new company development, and
  3. international cooperation.