Key Events
in 2022

  • KEGOC began practical implementation of the ‘Action plan in pursuance of the instructions of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the reform of Samruk-Kazyna’.
021 February
  • As part of the practical implementation of the Action Plan in pursuance of the instructions of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the reform of Samruk-Kazyna, KEGOC increased the salaries and wage rates of its personnel as of 1 February. At the same time the amount of quarterly bonus was increased, due to which the total annual income in 2022 will increase for: operational personnel by 28%-48%, engineers, technicians and specialists by 15%-36% and line managers by 10%-15%.
0315 March
  • KEGOC became a winner of the annual contest held by the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) and received an award diploma as the Company demonstrating the best examples of business conduct on the securities market in terms of disclosure of information about itself and its activities.
  • The Company’s Annual Report was also ranked 4th in PwC Kazakhstan’s Disclosure Rating among 94 reports of Kazakhstani and foreign companies, and was awarded the Diploma for Best ESG Disclosure Practice.
0427 April
  • KEGOC held public hearings to report on the implementation of the approved tariff estimate, on the implementation of the approved investment programme, on the observance of quality and reliability indicators of regulated services and on the achievement of performance indicators of natural monopolies to consumers and other interested parties at the end of 2021.
0526 May
  • KEGOC’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders was held, which approved KEGOC’s annual financial statements for 2021, according to which the Company’s consolidated net income amounted to KZT 52.6 billion.
  • It was decided to pay a dividend of KZT 13.2 billion for the second half of 2021, which would be KZT 50.85 (fifty tenge 85 tyin) per ordinary share.
067 June
  • The Public Council of Samruk-Kazyna heard information on KEGOC activities. The meeting participants were acquainted with the results for the past year, achievement of strategic target indicators, implementation of investment projects. The members of the Public Council were also provided with the information on the activities of EnergoTekhProfSoyuz, the energy trade union organisation, compliance function and other areas.
0717 June
  • KEGOC held the Issuer Day in a hybrid format (online and offline), where investors, professional securities market participants and media representatives learned about the company’s performance, the execution of strategic indicators and the implementation of investment projects for the year 2021.
0820 June
  • KEGOC paid KZT 13.2 billion in dividends for 2021.
0911 July
  • 25 years of Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company (KEGOC) establishment.
1018 July
  • As part of KEGOC’s 25th anniversary celebrations, a drawing competition was held among employees’ children on the theme of energy employees’ work. About 200 drawings were received in the creative competition.
1128 July
  • KEGOC held public hearings to report on the implementation of the approved tariff estimate, on the implementation of the approved investment programme, on compliance with the quality and reliability indicators of regulated services and on the achievement of performance indicators of natural monopolies to consumers and other interested parties for the first half of 2022.
1229 July
  • A new 220 kV Ortalyk substation was put into operation. Construction of the substation was carried out as part of KEGOC’s project, Turkestan External Power Supply Reinforcement Project. Construction of electric grid facilities.
  • S&P Global Ratings affirmed its ‘BB+’ rating on KEGOC, revising its outlook to ‘negative’ from ‘stable’ following a similar change in outlook on the Republic of Kazakhstan’s sovereign rating.
1410-11 September
  • EnergoTekhProfSoyuz trade union held a family outing for KEGOC employees at the Training Centre complex in Katarkol village (managed by EnergoInform). It is symbolic that the event coincided with the Family Day holiday, celebrated in Kazakhstan on 11 September.
1513 September
  • KEGOC issued its first green bonds. The funds from their placement will be used to implement the Company’s projects related to the construction of the necessary grid infrastructure for the large-scale involvement of renewable energy sources in the energy balance, ensuring the country’s energy security, as well as increasing the efficiency of electricity transmission.
  • The issue amounted to KZT 35 billion of 35 million unsecured coupon bonds with a par value of KZT 1,000 each.
1623 September
  • KEGOC employees took part in the Blood Donor Day event organised by the Transfusiology Research and Production Centre.
1724-25 September
  • KEGOC athletes won prizes at the VII Spartakiad of Samruk-Kazyna: in togyz kumalak for men and women, mini-football, volleyball, tug-of-war and in the special nomination ‘Best goalkeeper’.
  • KEGOC made early full repayment of the loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the amount of USD 46.3 million. The loan funds in the amount of USD 71.4 million were raised in 2010 to Alma Electricity Transmission Project for a period of 25 years with the last repayment date in 2035.
1913 October
  • The Committee for Nuclear and Energy Supervision and Control of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued a certificate of readiness for operation in the autumn-winter period 2022-2023 to KEGOC.
2021 October
  • KEGOC held the first Occupational Health and Safety Forum. The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Energy, managers and experts in HSE (Health Safety Environment) of Samruk-Kazyna and its member companies, KEGOC, as well as representatives of CIS companies.
2127 October
  • An Extraordinary General Meeting of KEGOC Shareholders was held, which approved KEGOC’s semi-annual financial statements for 2022, resolved to pay dividends and approved the amount of dividend per one common share of KEGOC.
  • In accordance with the approved financial statements, the Company’s consolidated net income for the first half of 2022 was KZT 14 billion. The total amount of dividends payable will be KZT 17 billion, of which KZT 3 billion is part of retained earnings from previous periods.
  • Thus, KEGOC allocated 120% of net profit to the payment, which amounted to KZT 65.44 per share.
223-4 November
  • A meeting was held between representatives of youth talent pool from KEGOC’s operational branches and the Company’s management.
  • KEGOC employees took part in emergency response efforts in the town of Ekibastuz.
2430 November
  • KEGOC’s Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders approved a new version of KEGOC’s Charter.
  • The changes in the document relate to the extension of the powers of the General Meeting of Shareholders, as well as some organisational issues concerning the of the Board of Directors and the Management Board of the company.
251 December
  • Mr. Kanysh Moldabayev, Chairman of KEGOC’s Management Board, held negotiations with Ms. Nandit Parshad, Managing Director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The meeting took place within the framework of the Central Asian Investment Forum held in Tokyo, Japan, with participation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
2621 December
  • KEGOC’s green bonds were successfully placed on the trade floor of the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) with a total volume of KZT 16.1 billion at a margin of 3%.
2722 December
  • KEGOC hosted an offsite meeting of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the representatives of leading energy organisations. The meeting summarised the results of the unified power system (UPS) for 2022.
  • At the meeting, market players discussed a number of topical issues in the sector and ways to solve accumulated problems.
2823 December
  • Moody’s Ratings Services published a credit opinion and affirmed KEGOC’s rating at Baa2 with a Stable outlook.